Independence Day: The time of an ASI of Delhi Police created a stir in the whole department, know what is the whole matter?

Independence Day: The time of an ASI of Delhi Police created a stir in the whole department, know what is the whole matter?

Independence Day: Amidst the preparations for Independence Day, there was a stir in the Delhi Police when an ASI in the Central district called PCR and told about the presence of two terrorists near the New Delhi railway station. In a hurry, senior officials of the security agencies including senior police officers of the district reached the spot. A thorough search was made, but nothing suspicious was found there.


When the caller was searched, the ASI of Delhi Police was found in an intoxicated state near Ajmeri Gate. ASI Ajit Singh had made this call on Thursday night around ten. He was found near Delight Cinema located on Asaf Ali Road near Ajmeri Gate. ASI was under the influence of alcohol.


The police team got his medical done. Ajit is posted in DCP office of Dwarka district. Ajit was questioned by the Central District Police, but it is not known why he made this false call. It is being told that an FIR will be made and departmental action will also be taken against the ASI.


To become a super thief, he was committing thefts continuously, if caught, the secret was uncovered.


Influenced by the Bollywood movie Lucky Oye, Oye Lucky, a minor wanted to be a super thief Bunty, he was constantly stealing bikes, but was caught by a constable posted at Karolbagh police station. Police claim that 12 bike theft incidents were solved with the arrested accused.


According to the police officer, bikes were being stolen continuously in the area. In this connection, the footage of more than 200 CCTV cameras was examined. Havildar Manoj Kumar, led by Inspector Deepak Kumar, was searching for the thief for about 12 days. Manoj Kumar got information late on Friday night that the accused is in the area of ​​Karolbagh.


After that caught him. With his arrest, 12 cases of vehicle theft in Karol Bagh area have been solved. During interrogation, the minor has told that he wanted to grow up to be a super thief Bunty. He is very much influenced by Bollywood movies. Six scooters were recovered from his possession.