MetLife Investment Management LLC Buys 12,945 Shares of Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE:BBY)

MetLife Investment Management LLC lifted its stake in shares of Best BuyCo., Inc.( NYSEBBY – Get Standing) by 26.5 in the 1st quarter, according to its most recent Form 13F form with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional investor possessed, 852 shares of the technology retailer’s stock after acquiring a fresh, 945 shares during the period. MetLife Investment Management LLC’s effects in Best Buy were worth $ at the end of the most recent quarter.
Several other large investors also lately made changes to their positions in the stock. State Street Corp grew its position in Best Buy by 2.8 in the fourth quarter. State Street Corp now owns shares of the technology retailer’s stock valued at $ after copping
A fresh,542 shares in the last quarter. Charles Schwab Investment ManagementInc. grew its position in Best Buy by 4.5 in the fourth quarter. Charles Schwab Investment ManagementInc. now owns shares of the technology retailer’s stock valued at $ after copping
A fresh,628 shares in the last quarter. Norges Bank bought a new position in Best Buy in the fourth quarter valued at $. Invesco Ltd. grew its position in Best Buy by 24.7 in the fourth quarter. Invesco Ltd. now owns shares of the technology retailer’s stock valued at$ after copping
A fresh, 265 shares in the last quarter. Eventually, Raymond James Financial Services AdvisorsInc. grew its position in Best Buy by 6.8 in the first quarter. Raymond James Financial Services AdvisorsInc. now owns shares of the technology retailer’s stock valued at$ after copping
A fresh, 347 shares in the last quarter. Institutional investors enjoy 79.86 of the company’s stock.
Critic Upgrades and Downgrades
A number of brokerages have lately reflected on BBY. Morgan Stanley dropped their price ideal on shares of Best Buy from $82.00 to $80.00 and set an “ equal weight ” standing for the company in an exploration report on Wednesday, August 31st. TheStreet downgraded shares of Best Buy from a “ b- ” standing to a “ c ” standing in an exploration report on Tuesday, July 5th. Piper Sandler dropped their price ideal on shares of Best Buy from$91.00 to $84.00 and set a “ fat ” standing for the company in an exploration report on Monday, August 8th. Jefferies Financial Group downgraded shares of Best Buy from a “ buy ” standing to a “ hold ” standing and dropped their price ideal for the company from $106.00 to $71.00 in an exploration report on Thursday, July 28th. Eventually, Telsey Advisory Group dropped their price ideal on shares of Best Buy from $88.00 to $82.00 and set an “ outperform ” standing for the company in an exploration report on Thursday, July 28th. Two equities exploration judges have rated the stock with a sell standing, nine have issued a hold standing and six have assigned a steal standing to the company. Grounded on data, Best Buy presently has an average standing of “ Hold ” and an average target price of$86.13.
Shares of Best Buy stock opened at $71.14 on Monday. Stylish BuyCo.,Inc. has a twelve month low of $64.29 and a twelve month high of $141.97. The company has a quick rate of 0.24, a current rate of0.96 and a debt-to-equity rate of 0.42. The company has a 50- day simple moving normal of $74.77 and a two- hundred day simple moving normal of $84.57. The stock has a request capitalization of $16.02 billion, a price-to-earnings rate of 7.90, a price-to-earnings-growth rate of 0.68 and a beta of1.50.
Best Buy( NYSEBBY – Get Standing) last issued its daily earnings data on Tuesday, August 30th. The technology retailer reported $1.54 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the agreement estimate of $1.27 by$ 0.27. Best Buy had a net periphery of4.33 and a return on equity of63.39. The business had profit of $10.33 billion during the quarter, compared to judges ’ prospects of $10.25 billion. During the same quarter in the former time, the company earned $2.98 EPS. The business’s profit was down12.8 on a time-over-year base. Judges read that Best BuyCo.,Inc. will post6.09 EPS for the current time.
Stylish Buy Announces tip
The establishment also lately bared a daily tip, which will be paid on Tuesday, October 11th. Shareholders of record on Tuesday, September 20th will be paid a $0.88 tip. This represents a $3.52 annualized tip and a yield of 4.95. The theex-dividend date of this tip is Monday, September 19th. Best Buy’s tip payout rate( DPR) is 39.07.
Interposers Place Their Bets
In other Best Buy news, CFO Matthew M. Bilunas vended 890 shares of the establishment’s stock in a sale dated Tuesday, August 23rd. The shares were vended at an average price of$79.09, for a total value of $. Following the sale, the principal fiscal officer now directly owns 513 shares of the company’s stock, valued at roughly $. The sale was bared in a legal form with the SEC, which is available through this link. In other Best Buy news, CEO CorieS. Barry vended,388 shares of Best Buy stock in a sale dated Tuesday, June 14th. The stock was vended at an average price of$70.00, for a total value of$. Following the sale, the principal administrative officer now owns 313 shares in the company, valued at$. The sale was bared in a document filed with the SEC, which is accessible through this hyperlink. Also, CFO Matthew M. Bilunas vended 890 shares of the stock in a sale dated Tuesday, August 23rd. The stock was vended at an average price of $79.09, for a total sale of $. Following the completion of the sale, the principal fiscal officer now directly owns, 513 shares of the company’s stock, valued at roughly $. The exposure for this trade can be set up then. Interposers vended, 334 shares of company stock worth$,538 in the last quarter.0.44 of the stock is presently possessed by commercial interposers.
About Best Buy
Stylish Buy Co, Inc retails technology products in the United States and Canada. The company operates in two parts, Domestic and transnational. Its stores give calculating products, similar as desktops, scrapbooks, and peripherals; mobile phones comprising affiliated mobile network carrier commissions; networking products; tablets covering-readers; smartwatches; and consumer electronics conforming of digital imaging, health and fitness, home theater, movable audio comprising headphones and movable speakers, and smart home products.